BLR Recovery Tool


Can I Fix Inaccessible Hard Drive and Recover Data

The Hard Drive cannot be accessed. One of the most frequent mistakes that fix inaccessible hard drive and recover data , in the worst scenario, could result in data loss is “Access is denied.” You can find the remedies to the problem in this blog. We will also discuss a simple, do-it-yourself technique for recovering lost data from an inoperable hard disk using the BLR data recovery wizard application.

How Fix Inaccessible Hard Drive and Recover Data?

The hard disk is one of the primary storage components of a computer system. It stores several types of data, such as text, photos, audio files, and videos. Any problem with such hard disks to fix inaccessible hard drive and recover data. Such accessibility is typically supported by various error messages. The error message “Hard Drive is not accessible” is one of the most common that prevents access is not permitted.

The error message suggests that there is a hard disk issue that has rendered the hard drive inaccessible. In the worst-case scenario, it can also result in data loss.

Why do we confront it?

The aforementioned problems can occur in a variety of settings and with various operating system versions. The corrupted hard drive is revealed by the error message.

  • You can use either of the two strategies listed below to get out of the situation:
  • Automatic Approach
  • the Manual Method, too.

1. How Can This Inaccessible Hard Drive Error Be Automatically Fixed?

Formatting will be the sure-fire solution for hard drive accessibility problems. Although you can lose access to the saved data permanently if it is compromised. Use data recovery software to retrieve data from an inaccessible hard drive without changing the properties of the files to prevent data loss.

To retrieve files from a hard disk that isn’t accessible or any other storage device that has a problem similar to this one, use BLR data recovery tool professional for Windows. On any modern Windows computer, you may freely download this data recovery program and start searching the formatted or wiped hard drive for your data.

You can choose a particular volume that gives you an access denied error. After choosing the volume, click Scan to start the scanning process. Here is a video that demonstrates how to retrieve deleted data:

2. How Can This Error Be Fixed Manually?


Fix Inaccessible Hard Drive and Recover Data on Windows 10: a

Follow the instructions below to access your inaccessible drive if you are using Windows 10:

  • Simply do a right-click on the unavailable drive. Go to the ‘Properties’ section now.
  • Click on the ‘Edit’ button after selecting ‘Security’.
  • As seen in the figure below, the “Permissions for New Volume (E:)” dialog box displays. To proceed, click the ‘Add’ button.
  • Click “OK” after adding a new user with the name “Authenticated User.”
  • Give the newly added user ‘full control’ from the permissions area and press ‘OK’.
  • ‘Continue’ and ‘Cancel’ are the only options presented in the dialog box.
  • After pressing Continue, choose Cancel.
  • You are now done.

b For Windows 7:

If you are using Windows 7 Home Group and have shared a root drive (E:), you may encounter this problem after quitting the Home Group. In this instance, you will be unable to access the shared drive and will instead get the error notice below.

To resolve this issue, launch Windows Explorer and perform the following steps:

  • If the hard drive is unavailable, right-click on it and choose “right-click.”
  • Choose Properties.
  • After moving to the Security tab, click Advanced.
  • Click ‘Edit’ after selecting the Owner tab.
  • Change the account’s ownership.

If you are unable to access any files or folders on a Windows 7 drive, you can try the next option.

  • Using the right click, choose the inaccessible file or folder.
  • Choose Properties.
  • Select the Security tab.

Choose your name from the Group or Username drop-down menu. You may then check your access privileges to the file and folder.

You might also try the following strategy:

  1. Change the drive letter if your hard disk is unavailable.
  2. To check for problems, run chkdsk /r I.
  3. To access the HDD, try booting in safe mode.
  4. To access the HDD, use Windows 7 Home Premium or Ultimate..
  5. The chkdsk command would have removed the corrupted files, allowing you to use the drive again.

For Windows Vista, see c

  • Working with Windows Vista may put you in a predicament similar to this.
  • Windows Vista allows you to examine a file’s or folder’s rights, just like Windows 7.
  • Right-click the file or folder to access the Properties menu.
  • On the Security tab, click.
  • By clicking your name from usernames or groups, you may see what permissions you have.
  • By using the steps listed below, you can determine whether or not the issue is related to an encrypted file.
  • Right-click the hard drive that isn’t accessible.
  • Choose Properties.
  • Click Advanced under the General tab.
  • Check to see if the encrypt checkbox is checked.

If so, obtain the encryption key used to decrypt the file. The person who creates the file is the owner of the encryption certificate.

For Windows editions where the Encrypting File System (EFS) is not completely supported, you must have an encryption key or certificate. For instance, you cannot follow the steps below if you have Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, or Windows Vista Home Premium installed.

  1. Command Prompt should be opened.
  2. To decrypt the file, use Cipher.exe /d at the command prompt.
  3. Modify the file that is encrypted.
  4. On the hard drive of your computer, duplicate the decrypted file.
  5. import EFS certificates and keys.
  6. Command Prompt should be opened.
  7. To backup EFS certificates and keys, use Cipher.exe /r.

See d for Windows XP.

You may encounter the “Access is denied” error if you installed Windows XP after creating a disk using the fix inaccessible hard drive and recover data file system using an earlier version of Windows.

A change in operating system version changes the user’s security ID. You do not have access to the folder after doing the following procedures, although using the same login and password and an earlier version of Windows, since the security ID of the person who created it was changed.

  • The location of the ‘My Documents’ folder was changed prior to installing Windows XP Professional.
  • Install Windows XP Professional using a primary partition format.
  • access-restricted Windows XP
  • Disable Simple File Sharing and take control of the folder to resolve the issue.
  • Start “My Computer.”
  • Choose Tools > Folder > View.

Under Advanced Settings, uncheck the Use simple file sharing tick.

  1. Choose OK.
  2. To change the owner of a folder, right-click it and select Properties.
  3. Click on the Security tab.
  4. Click OK if a security notice appears.
  5. Under Advanced, select the Owner tab.
  6. Click your username in the Name list.
  7. Choose OK.
  8. If an error notice appears, select ‘Yes’.
  9. Choose OK.
  10. Reset the security and permissions configurations.

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